United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10, 2006 � EQUAL ACCESS--Power to the People! � In honor of Human Rights Day, Silk Moon presents Ronni Goldfarb, founder and Executive Director of Equal Access, a San Francisco-based non-profit.� She will talk about the positive social change that Equal Access is creating by empowering underserved communities in Southeast Asia through information, education, and community outreach.� Ronni will have slides of their new project in Cambodia and other success stories.�� � Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at Silk Moon Gallery� � � � OUTER VOICES--The Karen People of Burma � Silk Moon proudly present a photographic exhibition and presentation on Kawthoolei--The Karen People of Burma. � Photography by Kristofer Dan-Bergman; Multimedia presentation by Stephanie Guyer-Stevens, a local Sebastopol resident and founder of the non-profit Outer Voices.� Stephanie will tell about her work on a multi-media documentary project that has achieved acclaim as an NPR radio presentation.� Outer Voices is a non-profit multi-media organization that is dedicated to listening to and documenting the stories of women activists involved with social change.� Kawthoolei translates the stark reality and the inspiring stories of strong Karen women activists who are fighting the silence and violence imposed upon their communities by the current military regiime that currently rules Burma.�� � Wednesday, December 13, 2006� Wine and Cheese Reception and Photo Exhibition, 7 to p p.m. Mult-media Presentation 7:30 p.m. Silk Moon Gallery� � �